The dangers of fast weight-loss diets

The dangers of fast weight-loss diets

To lose weight, you have to analyse your personal eating habits and lifestyle and correct what isn't working through a learning process that helps you maintain healthy habits in the middle and long-term, as they have been internalised and applied continuously. Nevertheless, the market is full of miracle diets that don't follow these concepts and have undesirable effects on your health.


Of all the people I've seen who want to lose weight, the only ones who achieve it are those who are motivated, understand why they need to have healthy habits like eating properly, leading an orderly life and being active, and gradually get used to implementing these new habits until, without realising, they become totally normal. These people lose weight, keep it off and are healthier throughout their lives! 
The opposite is also true: when people are not aware of why they need to change their habits and don't do so gradually, they end up abandoning them, gaining weight and becoming less healthy in the short term. Nevertheless, miracle diets continue to be popular and this is probably because they promise results that are very seductive: losing weight quickly and effortlessly! 
We must be cautious and thoughtful before starting any diet, otherwise it could have consequences such as: 
Health issues and illnesses. That's right. There are many diets that are so out of balance that they can cause illness. A good example of this is high-protein diets, which are those that encourage people to eat protein from meat, etc. and hardly any carbohydrates. This type of diet prioritises foods containing protein, cholesterol, uric acid and sodium (salt), which increases the risks of kidney overload, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. Likewise, unbalanced diets don't give you important nutrients, which can lead to anaemia, osteoporosis, constipation, hair loss, etc.
Regaining the weight lost and more after stopping the diet. This happens when you don't diet properly. Instead of taking on healthy new habits little by little, if you follow strict, unbalanced rules for a short period of time (drastic hypocaloric diets, no physical exercise leading to muscle loss, etc.), when you stop dieting you eat more calories the body burns fewer than before and you gain weight.
Bad example for children. It may seem silly, but in my opinion it isn't at all. If you are a parent or guardian of children or teenagers, you have to set an example of the healthy habits you want them to follow. Otherwise, if you go on unbalanced diets the children will believe these falsehoods and copy the bad habits.
To avoid these consequences of miracle diets, I recommend you consult a dietitian/nutritionist, a certified professional who can help you create a healthy diet that adapts to your specific situation and habits and guides you step-by-step through the whole process, implementing the changes gradually so the body can get used to them and maintain them over time. 
I hope this has helped.
See you next time!

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