
weight loss

Hello, I am 23 years old. For 4 years, my weight has been 85 kg. I tried diet and going to gym. It didn't work. Please give me advice.

Andrea Prochazkova

26  votes(Highest rated answer)
Hi Shafa

You do not describe what kind of diets have you tried, whether they were carried out under the supervision of a qualified nutritionist or dietician, and what kind of exercise you engaged in.

Unfortunately, there are many diets out there that might yield different results for everyone. Some people thrive on vegan, vegetarian or meat-based diets and others deteriorate on them. Moreover, your genetic makeup, lifestyle and your overall diet can determine how well your body responds to diet efforts. If you haven’t consulted a nutritional specialist as yet, I would highly recommend you doing so.

Several factors could undermine your efforts to lose weight: food intolerance to certain foods, hormonal imbalance, poor circulation and nutritional deficiencies. These aspects need to be addressed as an important part of your diet.

I would also recommend you seeing your GP to check if your thyroid is functioning well since hypothyroidism can slow your metabolism down making weight loss very difficult.

Talking to your GP, nutritionist and an experienced fitness trainer can dramatically increase your chances of weight loss.