
Struggling with losing weight


I have been struggling with losing weight for a long time....if I lose it I gain it back and I am the kind of person that doesn't like exercise what can I do to get rid of my belly fat

Maria Mitchell

49  votes(Highest rated answer)
Hello Funmi
Many people struggle to lose weight and keep it off, it is easy to start a diet then lose focus after a few weeks. Once you restrict your diet or cut calories your body inevitably thinks there is a famine out there and that causes stress, stress causes the body to release adrenaline, this encourages your body to store fat and slows down the metabolism making it harder to lose the weight and keep it off. The solution is to look at changing the way you eat once and for all rather then embarking on a 'diet'. One of the best ways to lose weight and keep it off is to eat to balance your blood sugar by following a plan that avoids sugar and stimulants and reducing start your carbohydrates will have a positive effect on this.
It might sound complicated but the principles are easy, ensure you eat regular meals, always combining carbohydrate rich foods with protein and ensure that over half of your plate is full of non starchy vegetables. It would also be wise to look at having a session with a nutritionist so you can look in more detail at your specific diet and lifestyle factors that might be hindering any weight loss.
You also mention that you don't like exercise but increasing your activity levels will help, you don't have to join a gym or do a specific exercise class. activities such as walking, dancing or swimming can all help to increase activity levels and boost metabolism.
Good luck!