
coffee / lemon juice


Every morning as soon as I woke up I drink a cup of coffee and before I leave my house to go to work I drink a cup of warm water with lemon and turmeric. Is this a good habit?

Joanne Jackson

11  votes(Highest rated answer)
Hi Celia,
Thank you for your question.

Drinking the water with lemon and turmeric is a good habit. The lemon juice contains immune-boosting vitamin C, and other beneficial nutrients i.e. calcium, iron and potassium. This will help to hydrate you and flush out toxins. The turmeric is also a great anti-inflammatory. However if you suffer with dental issues the lemon may not be good for your dental enamel, so wait at least 20 minutes before brushing your teeth or stick to plain water!

As far as drinking coffee is concerned. The caffeine contained within it will act as a stimulant. Therefore in a fasted state first thing in the morning it would be better to eat a breakfast containing protein, healthy fats and slow-reasing carbs (such as poached eggs and salmon on whole-grain toast) first and then drink your coffee. This will help you to avoid peaks and troughs in your blood sugar level and feel more energised.

So perhaps try changing the order around slightly to improve your habit...