
Can I increase my metabolism with nutrition?

Metabolism and nutrition

Sharon Scott

15  votes(Highest rated answer)
Hi Mem,

Thanks for your question.

Our basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the daily minimum level of energy or calories that the body requires when at rest (which includes sleeping) in order to function effectively.

Increasing your muscle mass helps to raise your BMR, (each lb of muscle requires around 6ckal daily to sustain itself, each lb of fat only requires approx. 2ckal) which increases the number of calories you burn and helps to decrease body fat levels. Your BMR measurement can be used as a minimum baseline if you are counting Kcals, however it is important to add extra kcals to support additional requirements based on your own personal level of activity.

As people age their metabolic rate changes. A slow BMR will make it harder to lose body fat and overall weight therefore I believe the long term key is in supporting healthy muscle mass.

From a nutritional perspective staying hydrated is very important as the body requires water to carry out many metabolic functions and scientific studies have linked a more efficient metabolism to those who were hydrated. Aiming for 2ltrs of water daily is recommended as well as including at least 5 portions of vegetables and 2 fruit as they provide a good amount of water to the body.

Including caffeine in moderation is known to increase the metabolic rate and I would recommend getting this from green tea if you tolerate caffeine. Green tea also contains catechins which are powerful antioxidants that have been linked in studies with an increase in energy expenditure amongst many other potential health benefits.

Make sure you are eating enough and avoid low calorie diets as well as crash dieting or going for long periods without eating as although you will more than likely lose weight initially a lot of this can be muscle mass which in the long term would actually result in a slower metabolism and rebound weight gain of weight originally lost and potentially more!

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards
