Fuel for muscles

Fuel for muscles

When you do physical exercise, most of the energy comes from carbohydrates, which are stored in the form of glycogen in muscles or the liver.


The more intensely or longer you work out, the more of this "fuel" you burn, making you feel fatigued when you are running low. How can we avoid this? By having the largest muscular glycogen reserves possible. And this comes from a diet high in carbohydrates, making up at least 55% of the total calorie intake.

If you do exercise frequently, as you should, you may wonder what you should eat beforehand and/or afterwards.

Well, that depends in large part on your goal, whether you are trying to lose weight, bulk up or gain endurance, how long you exercise, etc.

In general, before exercising it is important to eat foods that will give you enough energy to complete the activity in question. Nuts, a small sandwich, oatmeal cookies, etc. will give you enough energy to exercise for more than one hour. However you plan to exercise for less than one hour, fruit like figs or bananas are enough. Above all avoid heavy foods that can lead to heavy digestion and discomfort.
After exercising, to aid muscle recovery, depending on the exercise you should eat a specific type of food. 
After aerobic exercise, you should eat complex carbohydrates, meaning whole grains, potatoes, legumes, berries, etc.
After anaerobic exercise, which puts a lot of wear and tear on the muscles, amino acids and protein are essential. Recommended foods include: fish, eggs, legumes, soya beans, dairy products, etc.

These are some of the tips to make sure your muscles have the fuel they need for your training sessions. Now it's time to put them into practice.  

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