Foods to alleviate spring allergies

Foods to alleviate spring allergies

This time of the year, spring allergies and their symptoms (asthma, sneezing, coughing, itchiness) have an impact on the quality of life of those who suffer them.


There are many treatments to alleviate these undesired symptoms, such as antihistamines. Nevertheless, if you or your children suffer from spring allergies, I have some food and hygiene tips that can help control the symptoms. 
- Eat more fruit, vegetables and fish. It is been proven that children with a diet rich in these foods show fewer symptoms of asthma and allergies. Here is the study.
- Eat fermented foods, like yoghurt and kefir. These are probiotics, with healthy bacteria to strengthen the respiratory and urinary tracts and prevent infections. We recommend eating 2 yoghurts each day, which is the equivalent of one serving of dairy.
- Eat nutrients with anti-inflammatory properties. These include vitamin C, folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids. Foods containing these nutrients include:

Sources of vitamin C: red peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, oranges, tomatoes, tangerines, etc.

Sources of folic acid or folate: white beans, soybeans, enriched breakfast cereals, eggs, spinach, etc.

Sources of omega-3 fatty acids: oily fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, etc.), walnuts, etc.

There are also other nutrients that help boost the immune system: iron, zinc, copper, selenium and vitamins A, B6, B12 and D. To get these nutrients, eat lentils, whole grains, beef, eggs, oily fish, yoghurt, cheese, wheat germ, wheat bran, tuna and spinach. 
- Drink a lot of water, to keep the mucous membranes hydrated and nostrils clean, in the form of mineral water, herbal teas or broth. Avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine, in tea or coffee, as it can lead to dehydration and make symptoms worse.
- Get a good night's sleep, eight hours if possible, as this can help boost your immune system.
- Pay attention to hygiene, making sure to always wash your hands. This is a simple, highly effective way to avoid the spread of viruses.
I hope this has helped and that your symptoms lessen. 

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