Alternatives to sweet birthday treats

Alternatives to sweet birthday treats

Children's birthday parties are normally associated with bags of sweets, soft drinks, cake and all sorts of other sugary treats. Sweets are tasty, but they're not healthy and eating too many of them can lead to problems. This is why we have healthier alternatives to traditional birthday parties, substituting sweets, candies, gummies and other sugary treats for ones that are just as delicious and surely more original.


Alternatives to sweet birthday treats:
- Savoury sandwiches without cured meats: use hummus, tomato, boiled egg, tuna, guacamole, cold meat...there's a whole world of options other than cured meats for sandwiches.
- Sweet sandwiches with peanut butter (better if it's homemade) and fruit. And for those with a real sweet tooth: Bread with dark chocolate, orange zest and crushed nuts.
- Drinks: fresh fruit juice, natural shaved ice drinks, fruit gazpacho, lemonade, iced tea, etc. Alternatives that we can make at home without using loads of sugar.
- More snacks: plain yoghurt with fruit, fruit skewers, veggie quiche, homemade fruit ice cream.

We hope you try out these tips. Your parties will be healthy and fun!


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