The colours of nutrition: the more colours the better

The colours of nutrition: the more colours the better

The chromatic colours of various foods can tell us much about their health benefits. Know the secrets that hide behind these colours and improve your meals!

We eat first with our eyes and second with our taste buds. There is truth in this statement. Which would you rather eat: a rainbow salad or a salad consisting only of greens? We are attracted to colourful food, like we are attracted to colourful people and places, and all the better for us because the more colours we add to our diet, the greater the health benefits we gain.

Colours and health go hand in hand. The colour of our fruit and veg can tell us a lot about their nutrient value. Here are a few things for you to know:

  1. Green: The most abundant colour in nature, can be found amongst countless foods like avocado, artichoke, spinach, peas, lettuce, asparagus, peppers, pear, kiwi and apples. As a rule, foods with this colour are rich in magnesium, folic acid, lutein, antioxidants, fiber and potassium. They promote muscle relaxation, decrease tiredness and are ideal for pregnant women.
  2. Red: Foods full of vitamin C. Red foods are usually a great source of magnesium, phytochemicals and, of course, vitamin C. Examples are tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, red peppers and cranberries. They are great for a strong immune system and fighting urinary infection.
  3. Yellow and Orange: The best colour for our immune system. Lemons, tangerines, oranges, mango, carrots and squash are some examples. These fruits and veggies help improve our immune systems and take care of our skin, as they are high in vitamin C which protects the body from viruses and colds and is used in the production of collagen.
  4. Violet: Anti-aging. Blueberries, aubergine, blackberries, plums, grapes and beetroot. These foods are high in antioxidants and phytochemicals. Ideal for combating aging and also for healthy blood flow.
  5. White: Heart helper. Found with garlic, onion, apples, mushrooms, cauliflower and melon, etc. These foods provide phytochemicals, such as anthoxanthins or inulin. These natural ingredients have been associated with a reduction in cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

So add colours to your diet and see your health improve! Whatever colour your fruit or veg provides, it will have many vitamins, minerals and fiber. The more colours, the more benefits.

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