Still don’t know what chia pudding is?

Still don’t know what chia pudding is?

Do you want to know how to make one of the most healthy trending snacks at the moment? Don’t miss out!

Don’t know what chia pudding is? In recent months, healthy snacks and breakfasts have become popular among healthy eating influencers and celebs. We see many instagram photos and facebook feeds filled with images of healthy eating, makes one hungry ;)

Many of us still don’t know much about these trends, but hey, not to worry! One of the more recent trends is chia pudding. It’s not much more than a simple recipe, based upon the small chia seed. Due to its numerous nutritional benefits, chia has gained much popularity in recent years and can be found more and more in supermarkets.

Rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins and minerals, it is particularly good for vegetarians and vegans. Due to its high antioxidant content, it helps protect the skin and fight ageing, it aids digestive health, has been proven to lower blood pressure and regulate cholesterol. Also, because chia seeds are high in zinc, they help the body increase leptin. This hormone regulates appetite and energy levels, so helps you to fight off bad cravings and keeps you fuller for longer. A lot of power in this little seed!

How can we eat chia? Chia seed can be consumed in numerous ways, for example; it can be had in your morning porridge, a stew or what we are talking about, in pudding! How is this pudding made? Let us tell you!

To prepare the chia pudding, we must first leave the seeds to soak for several hours (overnight), to achieve the consistency of a pudding. Soak in whole milk, soy or almond milk (which is the most popular milk to use for this dish). Stir the seeds into the milk well, cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, remove and serve chilled with toppings of your choice, like sliced banana, a handful of blueberries, almonds and a tablespoon of almond butter. Easy and simple! To add more flavour, add in 2-3 drops of vanilla essence or 2-3 teaspoons of cacao before chilling the mix overnight and you have your morning dessert ;) Tasty!

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