Still don’t know the “happy” foods?

Still don’t know the “happy” foods?

Start your diet with foods that make you happy! Yes, they exist! So kick back, relax and enjoy happy eating.

Nutrition specialists tell us that there are some foods that can make us happy. Why? Simple! For our brain to perform its functions correctly, we must provide it with food that helps the formation and maintenance of neurotransmitters. This way, our neurons will stay healthy and well protected. When our brains are healthier, they are happier!

Primarily, the body produces serotonin and endorphins naturally. Even so, we can give ourselves an extra bit with some key foods that will enhance these happy hormones.

Now, what are these foods that will make us more “happy”?  Pay attention and add these items to your shopping list!

  1. Fish: Keep in mind that oily fish is a great option, for example; salmon, sardines, tuna, etc. These fish have a high content of omega-3, which helps to regulate levels of serotonin, the hormone that makes us happy and melatonin, the hormone that helps us sleep. Mussels: Mussels have a high naturally occurring level of vitamin B12, a nutrient that most of us lack. B12 protects brain cells, keeping our brain sharp and protecting them from age related degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. Mussels also contain zinc, iodine and selenium, which helps the thyroid to regulate our mood.

  2. Oats: Oats are high in fiber, protein and slow releasing carbohydrates. Not only good for breakfast, oats keep you full for longer, avoiding a sudden sugar level spike, preventing hunger and mood swings.

  3. Integral rice: This contains high doses of selenium, which fights fatigue, anxiety and depression.

  4. Grass fed meat: Animals raised on grass lands, as opposed to grain fed, have higher levels of CLA, a good fat that helps with stress hormones. Grass fed meat is rich in protein, low in fat and easy to digest. Grilled or steamed is always better.

  5. Dairy: Milk is rich in tryptophan and calcium. Cheese and yogurt are good options too, Greek yogurt in particular, which has more calcium and protein than regular yogurt. Calcium tells the brain to release happy neurotransmitters, tackling anxiety and depression. Tryptophan helps in the making of the happy hormone “serotonin”.

  6. Nuts and seeds: Nuts are high in B vitamins which help the central nervous system and reduce anxiety and stress. They also help us to focus more and give us more energy. Pumpkin seeds contain the amino acid tryptophan, which helps to make serotonin.

  7. Don’t forget fruit and veg: These ideal antioxidants protect us from oxidative stress. Vitamin C found in green leafy veg, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers, kiwis and papaya protects us from fatigue. It is essential in the absorption of iron, so a deficiency can lead to iron deficiency and tiredness. A good dose of vitamin C also boosts immunity and lessens the symptoms of a cold.  Swiss chard is high in magnesium, which helps muscles in the head to relax and has been associated with lower levels of depression. Asparagus has one of the highest levels of tryptophan, which creates serotonin, one of the main neurotransmitters for mood regulation.  

  8. Dark chocolate: The high cocoa treat improves mood, concentration and blood flow to the brain, helping energy levels and alertness. Pure dark chocolate with 85% cocoa or more is best.

Make note of this list of foods! Next time you feel low, opt for dark chocolate, rather than a tub of ice cream, you’ll notice the difference ;)

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