Pizza for Breakfast

Pizza for Breakfast

Is Pizza ever the healthy option?

Pizza is one of the favorite dishes of adults and children. However, we have the idea that it is an unhealthy food ... but is it really that way?
As we have mentioned on several occasions, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Starting the day on a good foot and on a full stomach, is vital to face the day with energy. Therefore, making good choices about what we have for breakfast is key to a rich and balanced diet.

Now ... What can we have for breakfast? What is recommended? To your surprise, one of the answers to these questions would be pizza!! Recent studies say that because of its protein, carbohydrate and vegetable content, pizza is a better breakfast option than typical sugar cereals.

"A slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience an increase in sugar levels," says a nutrition expert.

Therefore, it is not the most recommended food, but it is healthier than industrial cereals. If you plan on having a pizza for breakfast then we encourage you to have a homemade pizza with vegetables, but of course this is not suitable for every day of the week.


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