

I follow what I consider a balanced diet (plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, eggs…). Are veggies the food that has to be consumed the most?

Maria Mitchell

7  votes(Highest rated answer)
Hello Sonal
Well done, it looks like you are following a balanced healthy diet. I would aim to ensure that all my meals contain a good balance of protein, fats, complex carbohydrates and vegetables. If you think of a food plate then try to ensure that half the plate is filled with vegetables, and the other half divided between protein, fats and carbohydrates. I would agree that vegetables are one of the most important parts of the meal as they provide us with vital nutrients required for optimum health so make sure that each meal contains at least 2-3 varieties. But remember the key to a good diet is balance and whilst vegetables are essential, good quality protein, fats and carbohydrates are also required.