

Should kids be provided with supplements apart from food?

Sharon Scott

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Hi Luke,

Thanks for your question.

It can be difficult in todays world to obtain all of the nutrients from our food and in adding supplements to our child's daily regime we may support overall nutrient intake.

Supplements to consider:

Multi vitamin - I would opt for a multi containing vitamin D (especially through the winter months where sunlight is reduced as vitamin D is produced on the skin in sunlight and only a minimal amount can be obtained from the diet.) I recommend that all of my clients should have their Vitamin D levels tested annually to avoid toxicity (high levels) as well as address any deficiencies.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids - especially if the diet lacks oily fish 2-3 times a week. Seeds and walnuts are also good sources. It is important to obtain a supplement from a trusted source to ensure purity is optimal. Given that every cell in our body contains fat it is important to ensure a good intake. Omega 3 intake has been linked to support cognitive health in children.

If your child is taking any medication or has a health condition it is important to check that supplements are safe to take and that there are no contraindications to consider.

Many Thanks
