
Stuck losing weight

I have been trying to lose weight for 3 months until today. When I started, my BMI was 28.5. At the beginning, I lost almost 2 kg/week. However, now I am stuck and lose less than 0.5 kg/week. Is this normal?

Sharon Scott

2  votes(Highest rated answer)
Hi Julie,

Thanks for your question.

First of all well done on your achievement so far.

The answer to your question is yes this is very normal. Initially the body may shed excess water leading to a higher loss on the scale which is reflected in the 2kg losses initially. 0.5kg loss is a great achievement on a weekly basis.

I see many clients who are looking to achieve long term weight loss. It can be easy to focus on the scale and look for instant results but smaller losses consistently over time may be more likely to stick in the long term. I would suggest taking measurements to also measure your success. Taking your waist to hip ratio can also be a good indicator of progress and health.

When supporting the body in shedding unwanted fat there are many things to consider as follows:

Sustainable changes - it is important to make changes that you can incorporate into your lifestyle in the long term and avoid the 'diet trap'. Small positive changes over time may add up to big changes in your health.

Eating - It is important to ensure you are eating enough kcal daily to avoid muscle loss. Muscle burns more kcal than fat and therefore where we see muscle loss we also see a reduction in the metabolism which can lead to higher fat mass in the long term and making it harder to lose weight. Known as the yo-yo dieting cycle.

Drinking - The body water content is important, keeping hydration levels optimal is key in supporting many processes within the body and to support healthy metabolic function.

Exercise - Working out is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Weight bearing exercise can support muscle tissue which can help to support weight management. Cardiovascular workouts have been linked to many potential health benefits from weight loss to supporting overall health and wellbeing.

I also advocate including an array of fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. (1 fruit and 6 veg at least). Eat the rainbow to supply your body with an array of micronutrients.

Best Wishes
