
diet sports

I go to the gym and swimming pool 3 times a week and i'd like to change my diet because ow i train more and lose a lot of energy!

Sharon Scott

7  votes(Highest rated answer)
Dear Helena,

Thanks for your question.

It is important to support your energy requirements to support a healthy body composition - great to hear you are training more.

I recommend eating 3 meals and 2 healthy snacks daily to support energy requirements. Carbohydrates to provide energy from wholegrain rice, pasta, breads and quinoa are good options. Protein from lean meat, fish, eggs and pulses to support muscle growth. A source of omega 3 fats to support a healthy inflammatory response such as walnuts, oily fish, chia seeds, grass fed meat and butter as well as eggs rich in omega 3s (the body cannot make these fats therefore they are considered essential).

It is recommended to get anywhere from 1-1.5g of protein per kg of body weight. (a 70kg person could aim for between 70g - 105g) Any more than this may not provide benefits. You may wish to try up to 105g during exercise days to support muscle mass.

I would also recommend including at least 5 portions of vegetables and 2 fruits. Especially those rich in vitamin C such as red/orange peppers, kiwi fruit and oranges. During exercise the body produces more free radicals which can contribute to DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) increasing antioxidants in your diet such as vitamin C may offer support. Vitamin C is also essential in collagen formation which may provide benefit during exercise.

Staying hydrated may offer support in endurance levels. Aim for at least 2ltrs of water daily and more if required.

Nuts are a good option to snack on after a workout to support energy levels. Add a handful of berries or you could look at adding a protein shake within 15-30minutes of your workout.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards
