Keep your healthy diet going with these 4 practical tips

Keep your healthy diet going with these 4 practical tips

Do you plan to change your diet? Do you want to start off on the right foot? Let’s give you 4 pieces of advice to help you on your way!

Keeping a healthy diet going is something that almost everyone has on their “to-do” list. Health and nutrition go hand in hand, along with the well heard expression “healthy body, healthy mind”. We also believe in the reverse, that positive thinking and a belief that you can make changes in your life, will help to bring about those healthy changes.

Avoiding temptation may not be easy, but if we start making healthier choices, we will eventually develop healthy habits that will have a positive impact on our health. A healthy routine isn’t something that can be achieved in a day, give yourself time to plan and make the effort to follow that plan through. If you don’t follow the principles we give you in this article, those good intentions of holding on to a healthy diet could stay as just that; good intentions. Go for it and turn your thoughts into a reality!!

Today let’s give you 4 practical tips to help you reach your health goals as soon as possible! Do you dare to take our advice?

  1. Patience and perseverance; Don’t beat yourself up over having a piece of cake one day, we all have treats from time to time, just develop a balance and learn what foods are good for you and what are not. Educate yourself and keep moving forward. The key is not to give up and not to give in to binging on ice cream or pizza at the weekend. Gradually change your old habits and throw out the culprits of a bad diet, mostly processed foods, sweets, cookies and mineral drinks. Start here!

  2. Identify what you need and what you don’t need; for example you need at least 5 portions of fruit or veg a day, but you don’t need sugar in your coffee. Make sure that your diet is not lacking in nutrients, if you are vegetarian for example, you might lack iron and need more spinach and leafy greens. A qualified nutritionist can help you design a nutritionally balanced diet.

  3. Don’t rely on slimming products. Relying on some miracle diet or a magic pill to burn calories is a no go and will only lead to a rebound effect, where you can easily put all the weight back on. Oftentimes we are in such a hurry to lose weight and get body perfect, that we fall into the trap of seductive, unhealthy short-cuts. Don’t take shortcuts with your health, it will only lead to disappointment.

  4. Basic recommendations; we advise that you drink water with your meals and avoid fizzy drinks, one of the main contributors to weight gain. Secondly, as we have mentioned previously, eat fruit for dessert, eat fruit throughout the day, instead of sugary or salty snacks when you’re hungry. Grab an apple, chomp on some nuts and stay away from the sweets. Yoga and other relaxation techniques can help a lot, and give you the mental strength to overcome bad habits and bad food choices.

Do you think you can take our advice and use it to create a healthier life? We know you can do it. A healthy diet doesn’t have to be difficult, boring or unattainable. It is within your reach! So go make the healthy changes you want in your life and when you do, your body and mind will thank you.

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