Healthy snacks to fight hunger pains

Healthy snacks to fight hunger pains

Snacking between meals doesn’t have to be unhealthy. Today we propose 4 healthy and satisfying snacks that you can turn to when you feel hungry between meals.

Does the hunger bug strike you? You’re not the only one! Many of us have a grumbling tummy and need a small snack between meals to quench that hungry feeling. Often it is difficult to eat as we would like when we have little time throughout the day.

Today we present 4 healthy snacking alternatives so you avoid grabbing a biscuit or a bar of chocolate when you’re on the go and craving something sweet. Snacking doesn’t have to mean neglecting your diet. There are numerous healthy snacks that you can use to complement your diet, keeping the hunger bug at bay. Take note!

  1. Nuts: Eating a handful of unprocessed nuts, is a more than healthy alternative. Nuts are high in B vitamins, a great source of energy and also fuel concentration and improve cognition. Choose a mix of almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts for example and you could also mix it up with some dried fruit. Never opt for fried or salted.

  2. Fruit: Wash and chop some of your favourite fruits to have prepared for when you get hungry. Fruit will satisfy your hunger and provide you with a variety of antioxidants. Success assured!

  3. Mix of homemade cereal flakes: Make a combo of your favourite wholegrain sugar free cereals, like rice, corn, millet, quinoa and spelt. You will feel full for longer and that rumbling tummy noise will disappear.

  4. And to be adventurous: Try wholegrain toast or vegetable crudites with hummus! This creamy paste, made primarily of chickpeas is becoming a trend. High in protein and unsaturated fat, it will make you feel full and will give you a slow release of energy over a longer period of time. Why not give it a go!!

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