Food Groups

Food Groups

Have questions about the food you eat or buy at the store? Let’s take a look at some common food groups and see what’s good for us!

  • Vegetables: All green leafy vegetables are good for us and rich in vitamins and minerals. Spinach contains a rich source of iron which helps to carry oxygen around the bloodstream. Kale is a good source of vitamin C and helps digestion with it’s high fiber content. Green leafy vegetables are vital to good health and reduce our risk of heart disease and cancer, as they are low in fat and high in fiber and vitamins, they contain a wide range of phytochemicals like lutein. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and good for our eyes, peppers are rich in antioxidants and although tomato is considered a fruit, tomatoes are high in vitamin C and b vitamins, help our heart and help to lower blood pressure. When cooking vegetables, it is good to leave them a little crunchy because often nutrients are lost due to over cooking. Remove them before they get too soft ;)
  • Pasta and bread: Here at nootric, we recommend whole grain whenever possible, this means whole wheat pasta and whole grain or brown bread. White bread and baguettes often cause rapid spikes in sugar levels and the sugar low that follows can leave us with cravings. Whole grain takes longer to get released into the bloodstream, and hence keeps energy levels steady.
  • Potatoes: Potatoes are rich in vitamin C and and B6, have more potassium than a banana and are low in calories. Boiled is always better than fried. If you wish to make homemade chips, opt for extra virgin olive oil, as opposed to vegetable oil. 
  • White fish: A minimum of 1-2 servings a week is recommended, this includes fish such as cod, sole, hake, etc. A minimum of 2 servings of blue fish such as salmon and mackerel is recommended. Omega 3, found in abundance in fish is vital for a healthy heart and cognitive function.
  • Meat: Limit the consumption of processed meat products like hotdogs and hamburgers, as they often contain a lot of sodium and unhealthy fat.
  • Eggs: A very good source of high quality protein, the egg whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D and vitamins B6 and B12. Have eggs boiled, poached, in omelettes or bake egg muffins with ingredients such as tomato, asparagus and ham, give it a go!
  • Seasonal fruits: Fruit is always a good option. Berries are rich in antioxidants, particularly the blueberry and apples, rich in pectin, help digestion. We hope you have learnt something from our article that will help you make healthier and more educated choices when it comes to food :)

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