Five fun ways to eat vegetables

Five fun ways to eat vegetables

We present five, fun, original ideas to add vegetables to your daily diet. Try our different ideas!

Fruit and veg are key components in our daily diet, with the food pyramid recommending 5-7 servings per day. Both provide an infinite number of benefits for our body, promoting bone health, helping our digestive system, reducing our risk of cardiovascular and degenerative diseases, etc.

It’s important that we eat several portions of fruit and veg every day, one portion being an apple, a handful of berries or one cup of veg. However, fruit is easy to eat, vegetables on the other hand, don’t share the same popularity. Today we give you, five ways to enjoy eating your veggies.

  • Make a vegetable sauce or purée. Beyond tomato sauce and caramelized onion, you can make a carrot purée or eggplant purée, add some pumpkin seeds for some zinc and a crunch. Perfect!
  • Have you tried veggie hamburgers? This is a great way to get vegetables into your diet. Try one as an alternative to meat, add some tomato, lettuce and cheese.

  • Make a healthy tortilla pizza with healthier toppings, like eggplant, zucchini, asparagus, tomato and sweetcorn.

  • Blend your veggies into a smoothie or a juice: Mix some kale, cucumber and celery with apple, oat milk and flaxseed and you have a glass of green goodness. If you have a juicer, beetroot juice and carrot juice are very nutritious and full of vitamins.

  • Desserts: Yes, you can add veggies to your desserts. Some delicious options are zucchini sponge cake, sweet potato brownies with dates, pumpkin pie and carrot cake.

Why not come up with your own original recipe ideas and share them with us!

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