Combat colds and flus with these foods!

Combat colds and flus with these foods!

We are one step closer to Winter! It is more vital now than ever to take care of your diet to prevent unwanted colds and flus.

Rest, the right amount of sleep and proper nutrients are essential to fight off a cold or flu. However, as well as this basic advice there are some perfect natural allies to help us prevent colds and flus. These superfoods increase your body's natural defenses.

As we approach Winter, add these superfoods to your shopping list! Take note!!

  1. Citrus fruits: As you know vitamin C, found in high concentrations in oranges and lemons helps to protect our immune system from harmful pathogens; harmful bacteria that cause colds and flus. We recommend that you incorporate this vital vitamin into your diet every day. A glass of warm lemon water each morning is one way to do this.
  2. Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, peas and other legumes contain zinc which can reduce the symptoms of a cold and help the body to heal more quickly.
  3. Garlic: Garlic has numerous health benefits. It has antimicrobial properties and stimulates the immune system. It is rich in allicin, accounting for many of this herb's medicinal benefits, ideal for fighting the flu and relieving nasal congestion. You can also add onions and leeks to your diet which have a high allicin content.
  4. Ginger: Great to aid inflammation, it also breaks down mucus to clear up the respiratory tract, alleviating symptoms of congestion. Add it to a cup of tea for fast effect.  
  5. Vegetables: Brussel sprouts and kale, which are are high in vitamin C, swiss chard, carrots, broccoli, beetroot and squash, for example are vegetables that you should be including in your diet to support a strong immune system. Carrots, high in vitamin A and broccoli are great to fight respiratory diseases, keeping mucous membranes healthy.
  6. Fish: Fish is rich in a mineral that helps white blood cells fight the flu virus. In addition, they also contain omega-3(especially blue fish) that reduces inflammation and protects the airways.
  7. Vitamin C, zinc and omega 3 supplements can be bought in many health food stores, along with other herbal supplements like Echinacea which are very useful for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory infections. Do not forget that drinking water is essential to maintain the health of our body and immune system. Enjoy the fall and prepare for the Winter by stocking up on the superfoods and supplements mentioned above! ;)

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