Combat Cellulite

Combat Cellulite

In this article we unveil tips and tricks to combat cellulite and achieve smoother skin all over. You can do this by changing bad eating habits, exercising regularly and watching your diet.

It’s no secret that as years go by, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness. Cellulite and stretch marks become a problem for many of us. Cellulite is not uncommon, 9 out of 10 women experience it. Complaining about it won’t do us any good. If we take care of our bodies from the inside out with regular exercise and a balanced and healthy diet, we can fight the orange peel. Don’t give up!

What is cellulite? Cellulite consists of fat cells surrounded by connective tissue called septa, that keeps the fat cells in place. This layer of fat insulates our skin and supports it. Cellulite forms when the fat cells push against this connective tissue, giving the skin a dimpled appearance. It is more common in women, due to the hormone estrogen which triggers the woman’s body to store extra fat. Cellulite gets more common with age as the skin loses its elasticity. An unhealthy diet, alcohol, stress and inactivity are all factors that contribute to it.

What do we have to do? Follow these steps! The first step is to avoid the consumption of substances that are toxic to the circulatory system, like alcohol, coffee and tobacco. Sugar should also be avoided as it interferes with how we metabolize vitamin C, needed for forming collagen, which keeps the skin firm.

Two, you must follow a diet rich in fresh fruit and veg and antioxidant foods. Add as many colours as you can to your plate! Berries are full of antioxidants, carrots are full of vitamin A, which stimulates cells responsible for developing the tissue to keep our skin firm. Vitamin C found in kale, citrus fruits and green veg is very important for the skins elasticity and is needed to make collagen.

Five foods that are particularly beneficial in combating cellulite are: 1) artichoke, which helps with lymphatic drainage, 2) papaya has been shown to help prevent tissue damage under the skin and is also rich in vitamin C, 3) oranges are rich in vitamin C, 4) pineapple which not only gives you vitamin C, but also contains bromelain which breaks down proteins, prevents build up in fine blood vessels, improving circulation and 5) fish- rich in omega 3, an essential fatty acid that hydrates cells and helps to remove cellulite.

Using an exfoliant scrub and exfoliant sponge on the areas where cellulite is most prominent helps a lot. Exercise is also important because bad circulation and long periods of inactivity reduces the elasticity of the skin. Follow our tips with perseverance and willpower and you’ll make it! ;)

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