Christmas post hangover

Christmas post hangover

During the Christmas weeks, we have a lot going on, reconnecting with loved ones, parties with friends, work parties...

Which leads to a good binge and oftentimes quite a bit of alcohol. The amount of junk food we eat and the drinking over Christmas can cause us to suffer symptoms such as fatigue, thirst, headaches, nausea and a general feeling of being unwell.

We can’t cure the hangover, but we can alleviate some of the symptoms with the tips we share in this article. Of course the most used pharmacological remedies such as ibuprofen and paracetamol help to relieve headaches and discomfort but the best remedy is to completely avoid alcohol altogether. And of course, it isn’t what people want to hear!

Dietary advice to relieve hangover symptoms:

  • Milk thistle infusions, green leafy vegetables like artichoke and swiss chard help repair liver tissue damaged by alcohol intoxication. Asparagus before you go drinking or after has been proven to boost enzymes that help the breakdown of alcohol.

  • Fruit juices or smoothies help to incorporate vitamins and minerals into the diet that can intervene in the cycle of alcohol metabolism and help relieve symptoms of a hangover.

  • A lot of water, which can be obtained from broths, soups, purées and infusions, as well as drinking at least two litres of water will help keep you hydrated after losing water with alcohol consumption. Coconut water is an excellent choice as it is high in natural electrolytes, to help rehydrate the body.

  • Avoid meals rich in fat, instead consume a little bit of carbohydrates.

  • Dairy derivatives such as yogurt, especially those with pro biotics will aid the digestive system.

An example of a hangover meal:

  • Light breakfast: An infusion tea and omelette with wholemeal toast. Eggs, especially organic, pastured eggs will replenish your body with B vitamins and give you energy. Eggs also contain cysteine, that breaks down toxins in alcohol. If you can’t stomach eggs, opt for some toast with a little melted butter or sugar free jam.

  • Mid morning: Grab a banana to restore your body’s potassium levels and improve that shaky hangover feeling, or some mixed nuts which are rich in vitamin B.

  • Lunch: A healthy vegetable broth to restore lost vitamins and minerals, some wholemeal toast and a piece of fruit.

  • Afternoon snack: An infusion tea, with some nuts, or pro biotic yogurt with berries.

  • Dinner: Salad of Kale, chicken, fresh cheese and tomato with quinoa and olive oil. Rich in minerals and vitamin C, Kale is a little superfood, get your protein with the chicken and quinoa and replenish lost amino acids. Add a piece of fruit like kiwi for extra vitamins.

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