6 ways to beat fluid retention

6 ways to beat fluid retention

Many people attribute fluid retention to their weight problems, especially when it occurs in localized body areas. But what exactly is fluid retention? Why does it happen and how can it be addressed? We will shed some light on this problem and give you some tips to tackle it.

Our bodies are made up mostly of water, between 60% and 70%. Under normal conditions, there is a balance between the amount of fluid we ingest and the amount we excrete. When this balance is broken, we ingest more fluid than we excrete and fluid retention, or edema , (scientific name) occurs. Edema can appear throughout the body, or it can be localized to certain areas. Symptoms generally include the swelling of the hands, tummy and feet.

What causes fluid retention? The most common cause of fluid retention is the incorrect functioning of capillaries. These small blood vessels carry nutrient rich fluid to cells. Once the nutrients have been supplied to the cells, the liquid returns to the capillaries. Fluid retention can occur when the pressure system in the capillaries fails to prevent proper return of liquids to the bloodstream. Leakage may occur in the capillary walls, resulting in liquid accumulation between cells, causing inflammation.

  • Heart problems: Healthy blood pressure ensures that blood vessels pump blood and nutrients around the body correctly. When heart failure occurs, this leads to a change in blood pressure, resulting in fluid retention of the feet and legs.
  • Renal failure: The kidneys filter and clean our blood and what our bodies do not use is excreted through urine. When the kidneys are damaged, our bodies are not able to excrete all the fluids, resulting in fluid retention.
  • Pregnancy: It is very common for pregnant women to suffer from fluid retention. This occurs due to the weight of the uterus on the wall of the pelvis, or due to hormonal changes, especially around the third trimester which can cause swelling of the ankles and feet.
  • Low level of physical activity: If we lead a sedentary lifestyle, blood does not travel quickly from the lower body to the heart, more pressure accumulates around the feet and legs, causing some capillaries to rupture or varicose veins.

Nutritional Advice to combat fluid retention:

  1. Reduce salt consumption;sodium favors the retention of fluids. Substitute salt for oregano or basil.Drink water; even if it seems contradictory. One to two litres per day.
  2. Drink diuretic infusions; like green tea or dandelion to help the body expel liquids.

  3. Consume dairy products: Two servings a day, for example: a half glass of milk and one yogurt. Avoid cured or semi-cured cheese, as it has a high sodium content.

  4. Consume potassium rich foods; like banana, asparagus and walnuts(30g); potassium corrects fluid balance in the body.

  5. Add garlic to your diet; garlic has a diuretic effect on the body and helps to dilate blood vessels, reducing blood pressure.

So start eating more potassium, less sodium and drink more water to combat the big bad bloat ;)  If you are concerned about what may be causing fluid retention, consult your doctor.


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